Sunday, 23 March 2014

Snowy Treat!

Snow Ice Cream

(sorry a bit late in the year for this one but I'm sure many can still try it out where they are)

A truly simple and fantastic treat for anyone around fresh snow!
What you'll need:
-1/2 cup of Sugar
-1 Cup of Milk or Cream (18% worked perfect for me)
-1tsp of Vanilla Extract (or any flavor you want)
-5-6 Cups of freshly fallen, CLEAN snow

Step 1: Collect your snow and place it in a metal bowl (metal keeps it cool longer) and then place in the freezer while you prepare the rest.

Step 2: Combine sugar, milk or cream and vanilla and whisk until sugar has dissolved. (at this point you really can add any flavor you want, I just wanted vanilla flavor)

Step 3: Gradually add snow until it is of ice cream consistency or whatever your liking may be.

Step 4: Add favorite topping(s) and enjoy!

Note that you can easily store this in the freezer as long as it is covered. Mine lasted a good week before essentially freezing over.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Eggs In A basket

Eggs in a Basket

Simple, delicious and a great way to surprise a fellow egg/bread lover =P

What you'll need:
-Sliced Bread
-Salt & Pepper (optional but suggested)

So the first thing we'll do is cut a circle shape into the bread of your choosing

Try not to get it too close to the edges cuz it might break while cooking

 Melt some butter in a pan large enough to hold the bread (I do 2 at a time usually). Spread the butter around and coat both sides of the bread as evenly as you can with it.

Once both sides are browned put a little bit of butter in the holes so the eggs don't stick and simply crack an egg right into the hole!

Once the egg is in all you have to do is wait. Once you see the egg white cook about half way through the toast it's usually ready to flip. Of course this also depends on wether you like runny yolk or not.

Once you flip 'em they should look more or less like this. Somehow the yolk broke on the right one but oh well . (notice the pinchy pie in the background lol) Cook another minute or so. This is where you can poke the middle where the yolk is to determine when it's right for you. Very easy to tell when it's more cooked(firm) or still loose.

All done to perfection! My wife doesn't like runny yolk so they're extra cooked =P
Hope you liked the recipe!
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Pinchy Pies!

Pinchy Pies

The versatile snack food!

I've been making these for awhile now and thought it was time to share the deliciousness that is...the 'pinchy pie'! I got this idea a few years ago from Chef John over at and been making alternate version of these ever since! So I'll show you a more or less step by step recipe so here we go!

Today will be the PB&J pie:

So you start off by cutting the circles out. The bread choice here is critical. I normally love fresh baked bread that I often make myself, but for pinchy pies the cheapest more generic store bought sliced bread works wonders and I'll show why in a second.

I use my sons sippy cup to cut it out since it's the perfect size but of course, anything that cuts nice circles and fit the slice of bread is aaaaall good.

Once you have your shapes put on whatever topping you want. This is where the fun begins because the combinations are limitless! For breakfast pinchy pies anywhere from PB&J, Nutella, Fluff, etc. Amazing combinations can be made. 
I've even found myself putting cheese and bacon bits and making mini grilled cheeses that the family just gobbles right up!
Only main this here is making sure you leave room around the edges for the most important step coming up next...the pinching!

This is where generic, cheap bread shines for some reason. I don't know if it's the moisture in the bread but its perfect for pinching. As you can see just pinch around the edges and it should seal right shut if you pinch hard enough. Do it all around the edges and BAM! Sealed up pie to go. Also you can see why it was important to leave space on the edges EH?

Here it is sealed buttered up. Now the cooking of these is usually 1 of 2 ways.
1:Apply butter to both sides (as above) and cook in frying pan grilled cheese style.
2:Put enough oil in a frying pan to cover half the pinchy pie. Fry about 1 minute per side or as desired crispyness.

Either way the finished product is always delicious and amazing! With the endless combinations you can please just about anyone with these ;)